Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Mama D's

"A bottle of red, a bottle of white
Whatever kind of mood you're in tonight
I'll meet you anytime you want
In our Italian Restaurant."
--Scenes From an Italian Restaurant, Billy Joel

Getting ready to head home from work and then to Mama D's for a post-birthday dinner with your father, your stepmom-to-be and your brother, er, I mean, Michael.
I think having a lot to do at work is actually better than not having anything to do, because the level of productivity is directly correlated. Since there wasn't anything I absolutely had to get done today I really didn't accomplish all that much. I'm good to go for the hockey stuff later in the week, but there's plenty I could have done that would make next week and the following weeks a bit easier.
That mentality is what got me by in college actually, because finals week was the only time I knew I had to get stuff done each quarter. Throughout the ten-week session, I'd put off any and all reading and class attendance, knowing I could (and would) sack up when I had to take finals. I'm sure I could have done better grades-wise, but I'm proud to have graduated with over a 3.0, having done what I consider to be the minimum all the way through.
And you know, come to think of it, I think the Lakers are kind of the same way. Shaq and Kobe have been around enough to know when they absolutely have to win games and have to put forth their maximum effort. It comes and goes in the regular season and even in playoff games that don't matter so much (see games 2 and 5 of this most recent series).
All right, off to battle traffic (I'm never on the road this early, so it should be interesting)...still looking forward to that superstars post later. Out.


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