Way Off
"What's going on here
What must we fear
To live in this fantasyland in your mind
Who'll carry the load
For dreams left untold
Can you live in this world all mine"
--What's Going On, Hootie & the Blowfish
Not much to say in the aftermath of the worst postseason offensive performance in Laker franchise history. One word will suffice: Ouch.
Got to meet Omarosa on the set today though, that was kinda weird. She's the chick from "The Apprentice" (a show I actually never watched), and she made some news with racist accusations and I guess by just being mean. She seemed cool when she visited us in the control room though, very interested in television and how everything was working. She even seemed weirded out by her own image on the screen, a fascination I thought we all got over the first time we walked into Sav-On and looked at the security monitor. Wave, wow, there I am.
The fact that she's a celebrity in the first place bothers me. Reality TV is something I just don't think I'll ever get. The only show I've ever really watched was the original Joe Millionaire, more because it was something fun for my roommates and I to do than for the content. I wasn't home for the season finale and they taped it for me, but I never even got around to watching it, thus demonstrating my desire for community over trashy television. The very idea of "The Swan" makes me cringe (and it's a Fox show, so it's all over our building), American Idol is never good, Survivor sucks and now even Mark Cuban is going to have a show. Why on earth could SportsNight not find a home anywhere and crap like this is on every network?
Turning now to shows that aren't crap (like the one I work on), I got to produce the David Wells segment today, which was a lot of fun. He's hilarious, plus he's a Padre, so it's good stuff all the way around. One of the benefits was that I got to watch his last start (Tuesday at Boston) in its entirety, and saw a tremendous pitchers' duel between him and Pedro. They're both getting up there in years (Wells is actually 41), but combined for 13 2/3 innings of shutout ball and each came up with some clutch strikeouts. Pedro is still dirty, making Phil Nevin and Brian Giles both look like fools on multiple occasions. Part of me wishes I was a Red Sox fan, 'cause he is a fun pitcher to watch, no doubt. Actually, I don't think I like anyone else on that team, so never mind. They just need to let Pedro leave in the off-season to sign with San Diego.
Tomorrow is Friday. I appreciate that fact, as it's been a rather long week and I think I'm looking forward to sleeping a little bit. I've moved up my wake-up time yet again, to 5:00 now to accomodate for the free parking near my gym (as opposed to the $1.50 a day in the lot upstairs). I started reading this book my Dad gave me called "The Automatic Millionaire" and one of the steps is cutting out stupid daily expenses. There goes $1.50. So I haven't read all of it yet, but I think that means I'll be a millionaire in a couple weeks. Sweet.
I suppose spending like $500 a month at the grocery store might be something I could look into altering as well, but I'm taking baby steps here.
Friday and Saturday will both be wonderful days, if only because the Lakers can't lose on either one of them. A nice easy baseball day Saturday and perhaps a visit from Princeton Seminary graduate Darren sometime this weekend. Oh yeah, work party Friday night too, but it's a little dicey. Five girls from the office have birthdays that are pretty close together, so they're pretty much owning a bar that night, and for us, going is an expectation. Not sure how I feel about spending another five hours with people alongside whom I've just spent a 50-hour work week. I do like the people I work with, definitely, but these girls aren't exactly my best friends there. Whatever. I'm sure I'll be out before I can even decide, knowing my propensity for early Friday pass-outs. We'll see.
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