Friday, June 10, 2005

Tids N' Bits

"I know - some things
Well they don't feel right and I can't sit tight
Still there's some other things they can make you smile
they can make you high..."
--Little Things, Sister Hazel

Nothing huge to mention this morning, so I'm going with a couple of tiny things...

Saw "Crash" yesterday, upon the recommendation of several friends and co-workers (thank you, Kelly, for being the first to suggest it), and though I didn't know much about the premise heading in, it was a thoroughly enjoyable film with a great cast. A lot of "that guy's in this" or "she's in that" kind of actors, but some good lead people as well: Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon, Ludacris, Sandra Bullock, Brendan Fraser (a terrible actor, but a name nonetheless), Larenz Tate (remember "Menace II Society?") and about ten other recognizable names (IMDB it if you're interested). Pulp Fiction-esque plot, where a bunch of seemingly unrelated stories converge at different points in time, and a lot of good fodder for discussions about racism. It essentially presents every stereotype out there, about almost every possible group (white, black, asian, hispanic, middle eastern), and the racist jokes abound. Had a group of people (no ethnicity stated here) not been yelling at the screen the entire time (draw your own conclusions), we might have been able to enjoy the movie even a little bit more. Bottom line: see it; it'll make you think...

If it wasn't already evident from his "crap in the closet" incident, Najeh Davenport is not the most well-educated individual on the planet. Here's Najeh on whether or not he's going to hold out now that Drew Rosenhaus is his agent: "No. Why? What have I did?" asked Davenport, Green Bay's backup running back. "I'm Najeh Davenport, second-team tailback. What would I look like holding out?"
What have I did? Good question, Najeh...

Haven't written about the Padres much this week, but they ended a four-game slide with a nice 3-2 win yesterday. Adam Eaton continues to amaze and astound, racking up his eighth straight win and matching Livan for second in the NL in victories (behind only the inimitable D-Train). We still aren't doing much offensively, but three runs is better than no runs any day of the week...

I tried--honestly I did--to be a basketball fan and watch the Finals last night, hoping that I could learn to appreciate the subtle nuances of Tim Duncan's post game, Detroit's team defense and Manu Ginobili's out-of-control-ness, but I just couldn't. I mean, the score was 55-51 at the end of the THIRD QUARTER. This isn't okay. If Phoenix and/or Miami were playing, we'd actually have some basketball being played, not Knicks vs. Heat-style, circa the mid-90's, which is what we're presented with at the moment. I might give them one more chance, but I doubt it...

Funny commercial on ESPN right now, kind of along the "literally" lines: Guy gets a breakfast burrito from Sonic's (never been there) and tells his buddy, "Man, breakfast burritos are the only things that get me up in the morning." Unwilling to let such a drastic statement go unchallenged, the buddy responds, "Come on, there must be something else that gets you up sometime, right?" (an alarm clock? your wife? the aroma of some nice colombian coffee?) "No, not really." "Come on." After some consideration, the dude responds, "Well, sometimes an afternoon burrito." Yes, it's a commercial, but I still appreciate the challenge made--don't let people get away with such ridiculousness...


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