Monday, December 12, 2005

Since it's obvious that I'm a blogging slacker, I won't even attempt to defend myself at the beginnings of these semi-annual entries, so I'm just going to get right to the point and start writing. Understand that even if I don't overtly mention it, I am truly sorry that you're only privy to my cogitations once in a blue moon these days. I make no guarantees about the future of this space, but optimists opine that better days await the Nickels & Dimes, so have hope and carry on, good readers. And now...

I read a lot of articles every morning in my preparation for the show, usually starting with the links on Buster Olney's blog and then perusing a few other link-related sites. Not to knock the website (well, actually yes, to knock it), but is obviously the location for the best original sports content on the internet, so I'm there quite frequently. Stumbled across a column by Pat Forde last week, lauding the BCS for "getting it right" this time around. Is he serious? Is there a system, real or imagined, that could have possibly gotten something wrong with the national championship picture this year? Only two teams played their way into such a game, unlike years past when three or four teams had valid cases, and many people felt the title game wasn't actually a match-up of the country's top two squads (USC vs. Oklahoma instead of Auburn and LSU vs. Oklahoma instead of SC both come to mind). My mom's two annoying dogs could have bumped heads and come up with this one, quite frankly. So leave your praise for the BCS out of my sight, Pat Forde, I'll have none of it.

Speaking of sports (and I do, quite often), something just occurred that has brought me to a great realization: I've wasted far too much brain space on things related to sports. I glanced at a monitor with the sound down and knew (without the aid of fonts) that I was looking at Rex Kalamian and Marney Gellner. If you know who either of these people are, you're afflicted with the same disease I have, though maybe a milder case. If you could pick these people out of a lineup, you're very sick. And that's what I am, no question about it. For those that care at all, Rex Kalamian is an assistant coach with the Minnesota Timberwolves (used to be a Clippers assistant) and Marney Gellner is a sideline reporter for FSN North (the T'Wolves' affiliate). It's a sad, sad thing...

If I may deviate from sports for a moment, I'll toss something cultural your way (the collective you, of course) and see if it sticks. Had the privilege of taking in a lovely play the other night at Pantages, a place of which I've grown quite fond over the years. "White Christmas" was awesome, all the great music I remember from the movie (except "Gee, I Wish I Was Back in the Army") and some fine performances by, among others, David Ogden Stiers, he of MASH fame. Cliff from IHOP was also in the production, which was a pleasant surprise. I don't get to the theater enough, but every time I go, I love it. I'm four for four at the Pantages now ("The Producers", "Movin' Out", "Les Miserables" and now "White Christmas"), so I anxiously await my next visit)...

Christmas is rapidly approaching and it always takes me a while to get into the spirit of the season, as they say. Not sure why that's the case (probably because my old job involved advent services and Christmas concerts and my current profession has me watching Rex and Marney on TV), but it's a tardy arrival again this year. Shopping hasn't happened, my thoughts for my own present-type desires are quite cloudy, and work continues to consume. I'm brightened, however, by two big things:
1) daily devotions from Bel Air's advent calendar, a wonderful addition to my morning scripture reading, and...
2) the three weeks off that hovers on the horizon.
Week one of this break will still have at least three days where I come in and get some stuff done, but the week in between Christmas and New Year's will have nothing whatsoever. I do love my job, but I love time with my family and time to relax even more.

Here's hoping something gets you into the spirit sometime soon, and since my prolific blogging rate means I'll probably be writing again sometime in 2007, I'll take the liberty of wishing everyone a merry Christmas and happy new year right now...peace.