Injury to Insult
"I'm not trying to fake it
And I ain't the one to blame
There's no one home
In my house of pain"
--House of Pain, Faster Pussycat
I honestly can't recall a more painful morning--and don't worry, no Randy Johnson allegories, this is in the physical sense--and it's pain as widespread as I've ever had. Let's tick down the list, courtesy of three-plus hours of basketball, the last of which provided as much of an emotional whipping as the physical (I'll get into the gory details later).
- Tweaked ankle: it's not a sprain, because I've had my fair share, and I've done many far worse than this one, but it's quite tender and I certainly can't run on it (had to walk fast on the treadmill this morning as a result; I love trying to keep up with the old ladies). Happened during last night's game, but it wasn't bad enough (at the time) to get me out, so I kept on playing. Based on the final score, I might as well have been sitting the whole time--made no difference.
- A nice gash on the inside of my right bicep: it's seriously two inches long and about a half-inch wide, coming (I suppose) from a fingernail or two last night, but I honestly don't remember that one at all. Makes Nick Van Exel's lip scar look like a shaving cut. Looks like it even bled a little bit, but the refs didn't notice (HIV rule), so it was cool.
- Bruised clavicle: that one sounds pretty bad, and actually it is pretty bad. I'm not an extremely well-built young man (not enough meat on my bones, you know?), so hard contact to bony regions is going to result in some pain. I tried to take a charge on like the second or third defensive possession of the game (that was pretty much the only defensive thing I was good at in high school--and all the acting and yelling and flopping that goes along with it--so I've held onto it as I've grown older) and ended up with a shoulder directly to the collarbone and no charge to show for it (evidently B. Stevens fouled him right before--thanks buddy). I couldn't do any chest exercises this morning and there's about a five-by-five region (including a portion of the sternum) that is incredibly sensitive to the touch right now.
- Bruised hip: I get these every week anyway (again, the lack of meat thing), as a result of diving for loose balls and stuff like that, so this is nothing new. But it still hurts.
- Bad shoe pain: I've been meaning to buy new basketball shoes for about six years (slight to moderate exaggeration), so the balls of my feet are pained at the conclusion of any and all basketball activity. I wear two pairs of socks, but I think I could wear like nine pairs and it wouldn't matter; I'm practically touching the floor.
- Aching lower back: I think that's just 'cause I'm old.
So yeah, the "injury" portion--hopefully very clearly illustrated--was added to the insult of a 12-point loss last night, our first of the league season and a complete debacle in every facet of the game. We were pretty much the Washington Generals out there, looking like none of us had ever even played the game--at least 30 turnovers, shooting less than 30% from the floor, and just looking lost for about 15 minutes at a time. We'll rebound (in a literal and figurative sense) next week, so, to paraphrase Homer J. Simpson, "Let us never speak of the game again."
Another fun element to the weekend (yes, despite all of its potential evils, basketball is always fun) was the re-involvement in this video project I've been working on for my Dad's birthday (March 20). It's a documentary-style tribute to his basketball playing and coaching career, driven completely by commentary from his former coaches, teammates and players. I got some new footage on Sunday (and some new knowledge about the editing program from my buddy Jason), so I was able to go in and make some more stuff happen. I'm hoping for it to end up about 20 minutes in length, which should make a nice gift, as long as it all comes together in time.
Despite my stated desire to branch out in the content of the blog, I must continue to express my excitement and opinions in relation to significant (to me) sporting events and stories, the most notable of which (from this past weekend) is the Bruins' possible emergence as a tournament team following a huge win in South Bend. Granted, they couldn't finish the game strong, but they led wire to wire and beat a good Big East team on the road. I'm quite proud. If we take care of both Oregon schools at home this coming weekend, I think we're definitely in. If not, we might need a couple wins in the conference tourney, but I'd prefer we avoid that route, if at all possible. Farmar and Afflalo (who displayed their dominance over Pruitt and Young last Thursday, by the way) continue to improve and become more and more consistent, which will be a huge factor in the squad's success the rest of the way.
Saw "Mystic River" over the weekend (I'm a couple years behind in seeing Oscar-nominated movies; I'm sure I'll get to "Ray" by the time Jamie Foxx actually is blind), which was a dark, dark film, the type I don't normally enjoy. Something about this one was different (maybe these Academy folks were onto something), probably the tremendous performance by Sean Penn, and these little tough guys the Savage brothers adding some occasional unintentional comedy. The chick who plays Tim Robbins' wife (her character's name is Celeste) does a great job of being the most paranoid, annoying, confused woman in the history of film. I hated her character, which, I realized after watching, means she did a great job. Long movie, but hey, I had a long Saturday with nothing to do until the evening (I'm really enjoying this "having a weekend" thing), so it was no thing.
Closing on a more serious note: talked to a friend I hadn't spoken with in several months and found out that she recently had an abortion. Wow. If there is a more sobering story to hear from a friend, I don't want to know what it is. It's one of those times when you can't really say anything that will sound right, so it's just "I'm so sorry" and "Wow" over and over. It's a tough balance of knowing that there is obviously responsibility and culpability on her part, but wanting above all just to show sympathy (not empathy) and being thankful that everything has turned out okay.